Monday, April 27, 2009

A new Covenant for CRM in Agribusiness: delivering Value

My observation is that it is time to establish a new covenant

among agribusiness channel partners:a customer-focused,

value-based covenant.

Research indicates that conflict exists within agribusiness:

conflict centering upon who "owns" the customer. Rather

than focusing marketing efforts on delivering superior products

and services to the grower, efforts are focused on "one-upping"

others in the channel. While there is seldom a "winner"

in such a conflict, there is a clear "loser":the grower.

To get an idea of where conflict may exist in your agribusiness

channel, ask yourself these questions:

1. Who is my customer? Is it the distributor or dealer? Or is

it the grower and farm operator?

2. What does it mean to be truly customer-focused? Does it

mean different things to different members of the distribution


3. How do I and my channel partners react when one of us

asks another for information regarding the grower?

4. Is there conflict or rivalry over who "owns" the customer?

5. How do I define "value"? In whose terms do I define

"value"? Does Value Change with every step along the customer corridor?

Does "value" change over the duration of your relationship?

6. Do I consider others in my channel (manufacturers, distributors,

dealers) customers or partners?

7. What is a suitable covenant for a customer-focused

agribusiness channel?

An unhealthy tension exists in many distribution channels,

including agribusiness, as manufacturers ask channel partners

for customer-specific information. Dealers and distributors are

vocally leery of marketing paradigms which ask for such sharing

of information. The fear of course has been discussed for a decade: 


In all too many situations such a rivalry over customer ownership

has erupted into open, hostile conflict. This channel conflict

is transparent, however, to our mutual customer, the

farmer. All customers want is value: value as they define it.

They know if they're getting it; they know if they're not.

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