Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Pyramid Principle and a short, light reading list (if I may) for the CRM practitioner

Hi again,
while out enjoying the brisk Wisconsin air (we had a "spring blizzard" last night), I came up with an idea I wanted to lay out.,
In doing so, I realize that I need to give some basis for what i will try to explain. So here goes, the list of books I would salvage over food if i had to sell my library.

The Pyramid Principle: I cannot recommend this piece enough for us who have to analyze and try to dissect and explain in crystal clear terms what we see in our vision for the desired end-state

then just a simple list:
The Marketing Imagination
Customer Connections
Value Migration
Segmentation Marketing
Customer Win-Back
Integrated Direct Marketing
Cost and Effect
The Service Profit Chain
Any work the title of which begins "the McKinsey..."
Concurrent Marketing (for my money the bible)
Segmentation Marketing
The BreakThrough Imperative
Metaphors we live by

thanks : and, in all honesty, I hope you find and peruse all these ,  cherishing what has been given for all to drink of ( sorry, if I mixed my metaphor there :)o

anything by Hamel, Porter and / or Slywotzky 

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